
What are Haemorrhoids 

 Piles (haemorrhoids): swellings that develop inside and around the back passage 

 They are small veins, engorged with more blood than usual 

 May be due to excess pressure (excessive straining/ constipation) 💩

What are the symptoms of Haemorrhoids 

 Passing bright red blood in stool 💩

 Feeling a bump in the back passage 

 Feeling of fullness/ not fully emptying the back passage 💩

How do you diagnose Haemorrhoids 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the back passage 

How do you treat Haemorrhoids 

 Lifestyle changes: fibre-rich diet, drink plenty of fluids, regular exercise 🚴

 Creams/ ointments. 

 Banding procedure (if large or unresolved) 

Why should I worry about Haemorrhoids 

 Blood clot in the pile, which can cause intense pain 😖

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