Pelvic Floor exercises for Women

What is my pelvic floor 

 The sheet of muscles between your coccyx/tail bone and pubic bone 

 The ‘platform’ of muscles between the legs 

 It supports the bladder, bowel and uterus 👩


What do the pelvic floor muscles control 

 The anus 

 The urethra 

 The vagina 


What happens if the pelvic floor weakens 

 Urinary incontinence (‘leaking’ urine when you cough/sneeze etc.) 💧

 Increased frequency of urination 🚽

 Uncontrolled passing of wind 💩

 Urgency to empty bowels and leakage of urine/stools

 Vaginal aching/dragging sensation 

 ‘Heavy’ sensation in vagina (caused by organ[s] in your pelvis 'dropping' down below their normal position) 


What causes weak pelvic floor 

 Childbirth 🤰

 Menopause 👵

 Lack of exercise 🚴 

 Pelvic surgery (hysterectomy/ bladder repair) 🏨

 Chronic cough 


 Straining to open bowels 


Why do I need to do pelvic floor exercises 

 To strengthen your pelvic floor muscles 

 To support your organs 

 To aid bladder/bowel/vagina control 


How do I do Pelvic Floor Exercises 

 Sit on a chair 

 Position your feet flat, slightly apart 👣

 Lean forwards and rest elbows on knees 


First exercise - Slow twitch exercises: 

  1. ‘Close and draw up’ the muscles around the back passage 
  2. ‘Close and draw up’ the muscles surrounding the vagina and urethra 
  3. Hold this for as long as possible  
  4. Slowly relax when you need to 
  5. Rest for an equal amount of time 
  6. Repeat, increasing the length of time you hold for (do this as many times as you are able to) 🔄

Second exercise – Fast twitch exercises: 

  1. ‘Close and draw up’ the muscles of the pelvic floor as described above 
  2. Hold for one second  
  3. Relax muscles 
  4. Repeat 5-10 times 🔄


What should I avoid when doing pelvic floor exercises 

 Squeezing your buttocks 

 Moving your knees towards each other 

 Holding your breath 

 Raising your shoulders/eyebrows/toes 


How often should I do pelvic floor exercises 



How do I feel my pelvic floor 

  1. Place 2 fingers inside your vagina 👉
  2. Contract your vagina muscles 
  3. You should feel the muscles tightly squeezing your fingers 👉


How can I test my pelvic floor strength 

  1. Stop urinating mid-flow 
  2. Repeat fortnightly to see how your pelvic floor strength is improving 🔄


What is ‘the knack’ 

 Contracting your pelvic floor muscles before anything which usually makes you leak 💧

 e.g. coughing/sneezing/laughing/running etc.  


How long will it take to strengthen my pelvic floor 

 Several weeks of daily exercises 

 Remember to keep doing these exercises beyond this point to maintain pelvic floor strength 


  1. Your pelvic floor is the sheet of muscles between your coccyx/tail bone and your pubic bone
  2. It controls the anus, urethra and vagina
  3. It can be weekend by a number of things e.g. childbirth and menopause
  4. Weakened pelvic floor causes a number of symptoms e.g. urinary incontinence and a 'heavy' vaginal sensation
  5. Daily pelvic floor exercises can help to strengthen it, support your organs and to aid your control of your bladder, vagina and anus

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