Lyme Disease

What is Lyme disease 

 An illness caused by a bite from an infected tick 

 The tick is infected with a bacterium called borrelia 

What are the symptoms of Lyme disease 

 Rash (sometimes): red circular/ring and red centre 

 Flu-like symptoms: tiredness, aches and pains, fever 🌡

 Joint pains/ inflammation (if untreated) 

How do you diagnose Lyme disease 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Physical examination 

 Blood test 💉

How do you treat Lyme disease 

 Antibiotics 💊

 If tick is found:   

 Gently grip it as close to the skin as possible with tweezers, pull upwards  

 Do not use fingers, burn/ squeeze it, or apply substances to it (petroleum jelly etc.)  

Why should I worry about Lyme disease 

 Nerve inflammation: facial muscle weakness, confusion (if untreated) 

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