Otitis externa

What is otitis externa 

 Inflammation of the outer ear (does not go further than the ear drum) 👂

 Can be acute/ short-term (3 weeks or less), or chronic/ long-term (more than 3 weeks) 📅

 Causes: infections, swimming, warm weather, skin problems (example: eczema)  

What are the symptoms of otitis externa 

 Ear discharge 💧

 Temporary dulled hearing 👂

 Ear pain 😩

 Ear itch 

 Ear feels blocked/ full  

How do you diagnose otitis externa 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Physical examination 

How do you treat otitis externa 

 Ear canal cleaning 

 Ear drops (acetic acid) 💧

 Ear wick (gauze soaked with medicine in the ear canal) 

 Antibiotic tablets (if bacterial infection that spreads to skin) 💊

Why should I worry about otitis externa 

 Skin infection 

 Ear drum inflammation 👂

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.