Pilonidal sinus disease

What is pilonidal sinus disease 

 A small abnormal channel (sinus tract) that contains hairs 

 It becomes inflamed/ forms a bag of pus (infected abscess) 

 Occurs under the skin between the buttocks, a short distance above the anus 

 Exact cause is unknown 🤷  

What are the symptoms of pilonidal sinus disease 

 Can be none ❌  

 Painless lump felt while washing 🚿  

 Pain and swelling with/ without discharge (pus) 💧 

How do you diagnose pilonidal sinus disease 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the back passage 🔍  

How do you treat pilonidal sinus disease 

 Symptoms absent: good personal hygiene 🚿  

 Symptoms present:  

 Puncture (incision) and drainage 

 Surgery: cutting out the sinus (if persistent) 🔪 

Why should I worry about pilonidal sinus disease 

 Skin infection 

 Chronic pain 😭 

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