

What is Balanitis

 Inflammation of the skin at the end of the penis 🔥

 Foreskin can also be inflamed at the same time 🔥

 Common causes: poor hygiene, infection, STIs, allergic reactions and skin conditions 

What are the symptoms of Balanitis


 Irritation 😖

 Soreness 😢

 Discharge 💧

How do you diagnose Balanitis

 A swab of the skin to look for bacteria 

 STI test 

How do you treat Balanitis

 Good hygiene practise 🛀

 Ointments and creams 

 Antibiotics 💊

Why should I worry about Balanitis

 Not being able to pull back foreskin 

 Narrowing of the opening of the penis 

 Sexual dysfunction 

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.