Inspire Medics' Forum

Our brand new Inspire Medics' Forum features chat groups where you can discuss a range of topics with a global community of doctors. Get advice and support, or simply chat to like-minded people about topics of interest.


The Forum:

 A forum is an online messaging board where you can communicate with other people about a range of topics e.g. mumsnet, The Student Room and Reddit πŸ’»

 The brand new Inspire Medics' Forum allows you to communicate with doctors from all over the world

 Click here to access the forum chat!


Forum features:

 Board index: a list of all topics and the different threads within them πŸ’»

 Private messaging service: speak to other forum users in private πŸ‘«

 Notifications tab: view interactions with your posts

 Recent active topics 

 5 most viewed topics

 5 most replied topics

 5 most active users

 5 most active forums

 List of countries the forum's users are from

Why you should get involved:

 Find topics relevant to you or your interests

 Connect with doctors from a range of backgrounds and experiences to engage in collaborative discussions

 It is a space for you to express your views and ideas, in a creative way

 Get help/support for any questions you have❓

 Gain new knowledge and skills πŸ§ 

 The forum is a resource library which you can refer back to at any time 


Topic areas:

 Inspire Medics' Forum features 3 main topic areas (exams, interesting areas and social) 

 Each topic area includes a range of forums:

  1. Exams: Get into Medical School; PLAB; Medical School Students; UKMLA; FY1 Entry; MSRA; GP Exams; I & R/Returner Exams; Surgical Specialty Exams; Medical Specialty Exams; Study Tips πŸ“ƒ
  2. Interesting areas: Jobs/careers; Finances/Tax; Clinical Case Discussion; NHS Work Placement Reviews/Tips; Amazon product reviews; Charity; Ambassador Programme; i-medics' incubator programme; Affiliate Programme; Advertise with us πŸ§ 
  3. Social: Social/Life; News/Current Affairs; Chat/Banter; Blog; Help and Advice πŸ“š

 Within each forum/subforum you will find a variety of topics to post in!



 You must not spam the Inspire Medics' Forum❗

 You must respect other members at all times❗

 You must not post anything that may be considered β€œoffensive”❗

 You must not post copyright material❗

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.