Carpal tunnel syndrome


What is Carpal tunnel syndrome❓

 Set of symptoms caused by compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel

 The carpal tunnel is a passage in the wrist that nerves pass through

 The median nerve gives feeling to the thumb, index, middle and half the ring finger and movements of the base of the thumb 👍


What are the symptoms of Carpal tunnel syndrome❓

 Pins and needles

 Pain 😖


 Dry skin



How do you diagnose Carpal tunnel syndrome❓

 Based on the symptoms

 Can do nerve conduction tests

 Ultrasound scan 🏨


How do you treat Carpal tunnel syndrome❓

 Can go without treatment ❌

 A wrist splint

 Steroid injections 💉

 Surgery to relieve pressure on the wrist 🏨


Why should I worry about Carpal tunnel syndrome❓

 Can prevent you from certain activities

 Can lead to nerve damage  


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