Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction

Persistently being unable to get/maintain an erection 👎

Satisfactory sexual performance is not attained

Causes include: stress/mental illness, certain drugs (e.g. heroin), smoking, alcohol, diabetes, high blood pressure 🤒

What are the Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Unable to achieve an erection

Unable to maintain an erection

How do you Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction

Detailed sexual, medical & lifestyle history assessment 📋

Physical examination (blood pressure, weight & genitalia) 🔍

Blood test (glucose, cholesterol, testosterone levels)

How do you Treat Erectile Dysfunction

Medication taken before sex (e.g. Viagra) 💊

Managing existing conditions if possible

Healthy lifestyle changes (e.g. lose weight, stop smoking) 🚭

Why should I Worry about Erectile Dysfunction

Can affect confidence/mental health or quality of life 😪

Increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and stroke

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