Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease

What is Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ❓

 A viral human infection that mainly affects children

 Distinctive spots in the mouth and on the hands and feet 👣

 Causes: virus (enteroviruses) spread through droplets (e.g. coughs/sneezes) 🦠

What are the Symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ❓

 Fever (high temp above 38°C) 🤒

 Sore throat/mouth

 Loss of appetite 🍽


 Small spots/ulcers in the mouth 👄

 May have spots/rash on the hands/legs/feet and also buttocks/genital area

How do you Diagnose Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ❓

 Patient distinctive symptoms

 General examination 🔍

How do you Treat Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ❓

 Medication for pain relief & fever (paracetamol/ibuprofen) 💊

 Maintain hydration & keep cool

 Avoid spicy/hot/salty/acidic or hard foods 🥘

Why should I Worry about Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ❓

 Most will make a full recovery

 Secondary infections of the sores may occur 🤕

 Dehydration is common

 If pregnant, the mother/baby may be vulnerable 🤰

 A specific strain is much more serious/life threatening 🏥

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