HIV infection and AIDS

What is HIV infection and AIDS ❓

 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that destroys the immune system 🦠

 Progressive and leads to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome)

Transmission: infected body fluids (e.g. sexual activity, mother to babyneedles or bites) 💉

What are the Symptoms of HIV infection and AIDS ❓

Initial symptoms:

Flu like illness

Fever/sore throat 🥵

 Red rash

Long term symptoms:

Night sweats

 Fatigue 💤

Weight loss

 Recurrent infections (e.g. herpes, thrush, pneumonia) 😷

 Swollen lymph glands 🧣

Sometimes you may have no symptoms

How do you Diagnose HIV infection and AIDS

HIV test (e.g. blood test, mouth swab or finger prick) 🔬

 Self-testing HIV kits 🏠

How do you Treat HIV infection and AIDS ❓

 ART (antiretroviral therapy) to reduce/prevent progression

 Referral to specialist HIV clinics for monitoring 🏥

 Prevention of further diseases (e.g. vaccines)

 Counselling & support 🗣

Why should I Worry about HIV infection and AIDS ❓

You may have no symptoms for a long period of time after initial infection 

 Higher risk of developing certain cancers (e.g. cervical cancer, lymphoma)

 Some people may not be responsive to the therapy 🏥

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.