Anaemia (Iron deficiency)

What is Anaemia (Iron deficiency) ❓

 Deficiency of iron (low iron stores in the body)

 With reduced red blood cell production πŸ…ΎοΈ

 Causes: inadequate diet, chronic blood loss (e.g. heavy periods), pregnancy, trouble absorbing nutrients (e.g. coeliac disease) πŸ₯¦

What are the Symptoms of Anaemia ❓


 Weakness/fatigue πŸ’€


 Bad breath πŸ’¨

 Restless leg syndrome

 Cognitive/taste changes πŸ‘…

How do you Diagnose Anaemia ❓

 Patient history assessment πŸ“‹

 General examination

 Blood tests (blood count, iron levels) πŸ’‰

How do you Treat Anaemia ❓

 Iron supplements πŸ’Š

 Monitoring of treatment

 Dietary advice (e.g. foods with good source of iron) πŸ₯©

 Treat underlying cause

Why should I Worry about Anaemia ❓

 Severe cases can increase risk of heart failure πŸ’”

 Can lead to complications (e.g. attention deficits, low immune system)

 Can cause pregnancy complications 🀰

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