Insect Bites and Stings

Insect Bites and Stings

What are Insect Bites and Stings ❓

 Bites: inflicted by insects that puncture/lacerate the skin 🦟

 Stings: inflicted by insects that inject venom with stingers 🐝

 Causes: bees, wasps, mosquitos, bedbugs, horseflies and midges

What are the Symptoms of Bites & Stings ❓

 Punctured/lacerated skin 💢

 Red/inflammed bump on skin


 Possible allergic reactions 👀

How do you Diagnose Bites & Stings ❓

Medical assessment of what has bit/stung you

Taking a medical history 📋

How do you Treat Bites & Stings ❓

 Wound management including washing/removal of sting 💦

 Good hygienic aftercare

 Medication (e.g. painkillers, anti-histamines) 💊

 Referral to specialist for allergy management (in case of an allergic reaction)

Why should I Worry about Bites & Stings ❓

 Can lead to infection 🦠

Severe allergy may need emergency treatment for anaphylaxis

 Multiple stings can be more severe and toxic 🥴

 May transmit serious infectious disease (e.g. Lyme disease or malaria)

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