Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

What is Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ❓

 Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, toxic gas 💨

Carbon monoxide starves the body of oxygen when breathed in

 Causes: faulty/misused fuel appliances, vehicle exhaust gases, indoor use of barbecue equipment 🏭

What are the Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ❓

 Dizziness/headache/confusion 💫

 Muscle pain/weakness 💪


 Loss of consciousness 💤

 Vision/memory problems

Personality changes

How do you Diagnose Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ❓

Medical assessment 📋

 Breath test (to see if the gas is being exhaled) 👨‍⚕️

How do you Treat Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ❓

Breathing in 100% oxygen via a facemask 😷

 Hospital admission in severe cases

 Advice to prevent further poisoning (e.g. carbon monoxide alarm) 

Why should I Worry about Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ❓

 Most people exposed to it will recover 😁

Severe cases of poisoning may experience memory issues & psychosis

 Can be fatal if exposure is severe

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