Renal Colic

What is Renal Colic

 Sudden and severe loin pain that moves down to the genital area

Caused by kidney stone moving or blocking urine 🚫

 Risk factors: being male, age 40-60, poor diet, obesity, chronic dehydration, family history 🧓

What are the Symptoms of Renal Colic ❓

 Severe loin to groin pain (with intervals of milder pain)

 Nausea/vomiting 🤢

 Blood in urine

 Urinating issues (pain, straining) 🚽

How do you Diagnose Renal Colic ❓

 Abdominal examination

 Urine test (to check for blood & to exclude infection)

 Urgent CT scan/ultrasound to check for kidney stone 🏥

How do you Treat Renal Colic ❓

 Painkillers 💊

 Monitoring until stone naturally passes

Healthy Dietary advice including: reducing salt & consuming more fluids 🍎

 Medication to help stone clear out

 Surgical treatments (shockwave/laser therapy/open surgery) 👩‍⚕️

Why should I Worry about Renal Colic ❓

Obstruction of urine flow & infection

Risk of kidney stone recurrence

 Increased risk of chronic kidney disease & kidney cancer 🤒

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