Dental Abscess

What is a Dental Abscess ❓

 A collection of pus in the teeth, supporting structures around the teeth, or gums 🦷

 Due to bacterial infection 🦠

 Causes: dental decay or trauma, inflammatory/gum disease

 Risk factors: poor oral hygiene, alcohol/drug misuse, malnutrition and immunocompromise 🤒

What are the Symptoms of a Dental Abscess ❓

 Sudden/worsening pain

 Tender/sensitive tooth 💢

 Bad taste in mouth

 Unable to open mouth (severe)

 Fever 🥵

 Feeling unwell/tired

 Loss of appetite 🍕

How do you Diagnose a Dental Abscess ❓

 Patient symptom assessment

 Oral examination 🔍

How do you Treat a Dental Abscess ❓

 Urgent dental treatment to drain the pus (e.g. root canal)

 Tooth extraction if persistent 👨‍⚕️

 Possibly antibiotics

 Painkillers 💊

 Hospital admission in serious/complicated cases

Why should I Worry about a Dental Abscess ❓

 A dental abscess should be treated urgently ⏰

 Infection could spread into surrounding bone & face

 A blood clot could develop in the brain 🧠

 Complications are more common in those with a compromised immune system

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