Domestic Violence and Abuse

What is Domestic Violence and Abuse ❓

 Incidents of controlling/coercive, threatening or violent, abusive behaviour 👊

 Between adults who are/were partners or are family 💏

 Risk factors: being female, physical or mental illness/disability, and pregnancy/childbirth

What are the Signs of Domestic Violence and Abuse ❓

 Frequent injuries 🤕


 Fear 😱

 Alcohol/drug misuse 🍺

How to Recognise Domestic Violence and Abuse ❓

 Healthcare staff are trained to recognise the signs

 Improbable explanation/refusal to explain injuries 💭

 Evidence of self-neglect

 Intrusive person is always present 👥

How is Domestic Violence and Abuse Managed ❓

 Private discussion, risk & referral assessment with a healthcare professional 👩‍⚕️

 Ensuring the person feels safe to approach someone for help 🙋

 Providing help and support group information

 Information is only shared appropriately with consent ✅

Why should I Worry about Domestic Violence and Abuse ❓

 It is a serious and potentially life-threatening crime

 A patient's risk can change at any point 🆘

 Can cause negative impacts on the patient and any children's health & well-being

 Children may talk about abuse, but can be indirectly 🧒

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.