End of life care in Children

What is End of life care in Children ❓

 When a child has a life limiting or threatening condition where there may be no cure and/or a high risk of prematurely passing away 🧒

 Causes: various, including cancer; defects; juvenile Huntington's disease; duchenne muscular dystrophy

What does End of life care Consist of ❓

 Focus on enhancing quality of life 🌈

 Support/information for the family/carers e.g. bereavement support

 Developing an advanced care plan ✍

 Place of care and place of death options 🏡

How is End of life care in Children Managed ❓

 Managing patient specific needs/issues:


 Nutrition/hydration 🍎


 Respiratory issues 💨

 Seizures 🧠

 Emotional/psychological issues

What are the Treatments for End of life care ❓

 Changing the child's environment e.g. reduce noise and increase comfort 🔇

 Medication to ease symptoms, only as necessary

Why should I Worry about End of life care in Children ❓

 It can cause a lot of distress for parents/carers and siblings throughout 😭

 There may be difficulties in accepting/discussing end of life care

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.