Feverish Children Management

What is Feverish Children Management ❓

 An infant or child has a fever if their temperature is 38Β°C or higher πŸ€’

 A fever is an immune response

 Causes: usually a mild underlying infection 🦠

What are the Symptoms of Feverish Children ❓

 High temperature πŸ”₯


 Poor appetite πŸ•

 Complaints of feeling cold (at first) πŸ₯Ά

How do you Diagnose Feverish Children ❓

 Patient symptom assessment πŸ“‹

How do you Treat Feverish Children ❓

 Self care:

 Keep child cool & hydrated πŸ’§

 Keep child calm, reassured and comfortable

 Paracetamol OR ibuprofen, if needed, to reduce fever/distress πŸ’Š

 Don’t under/over dress the child

 Keep the child at home to rest 🏠

Why should I Worry about Feverish Children ❓

 Urgent medical attention is required if the child becomes more unwell or other symptoms develop, such as a non-blanching rash πŸ₯

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