Gilbert's Syndrome

What is Gilbert's Syndrome ❓

 A harmless condition that sometimes causes yellowing of the skin (jaundice) 🙂

 Due to the liver being unable to process waste products fast enough

 Causes: inherited from parents 👪

What are the Symptoms of Gilbert's Syndrome ❓

 Yellowing of the skin

 Usually no other symptoms ✅

How do you Diagnose Gilbert's Syndrome ❓

 General examination

 Blood tests (for liver function, blood count) 💉

How do you Treat Gilbert's Syndrome ❓

 No regular treatment/monitoring needed 💯

Why should I Worry about Gilbert's Syndrome ❓

 It will not progress or reduce liver function

 Any yellowing of the skin is harmless and temporary ⌛

 Episodes of jaundice may have triggers e.g. an infection, dieting 🤒

 Medications, such as some heart disease tablets, should be avoided

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