Whitlow Finger

What is Whitlow Finger ❓

 Infection of the finger ☝

 Bacterial infections by staphylococcus are called a “felon”

 Viral infections by herpes simplex are known as “herpetic whitlow” 🦠

 Risk factors: injury/infection, exposure (to infection e.g. your own/some else's cold sore), immunocompromise

What are the Symptoms of Whitlow Finger ❓


 Redness/swelling of the finger tip

 May have pus 💧



 Painful/swollen finger 💢

 Small blisters (clear fluid or pus)

 Crust (from burst blisters)

 Fever/fatigue 🤒

How do you Diagnose Whitlow Finger ❓

 Medical assessment of symptoms & history 📋

 Swab test in complicated cases 🧪

How do you Treat Whitlow Finger ❓


 Self-care: elevation, warm compress and painkillers

 Draining the infection 🏥

 Antibiotic tablets


 Self-care: painkillers, good hygiene and avoid spreading

 Antiviral drugs (within 48 hours) 💊

Why should I Worry about Whitlow Finger ❓

 Most infections will recover within a couple weeks 📆

 Complications in the vulnerable, including spreading to the bone

 Antibiotic resistant (felon) infections can be harder to treat 🚑

 Herpetic whitlow is likely to reoccur

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