Anal Fissure

What is an anal fissure ❓ 

Small tear of the skin around the back passage (anus) 

Commonly caused by damage from stretching when passing hard stools 💩

Constipation is a common cause 💩


What are the symptoms of an anal fissure ❓ 

Pain around the anus 😰

Pain on/after passing stools 😰

Bleeding when passing stools 💩


How do you diagnose anal fissure ❓ 

Having classical symptoms  

Examining the skin around the back passage 


How do you treat anal fissure ❓ 

Most heal on their own 

Anaesthetic creams 

Steroid creams 

Severe cases: botox, surgery 


Why should I worry about anal fissure ❓ 

Failure to heal  


Anorectal fistula: small tunnel that develops between the bowel and the skin surface, near the anus 

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