
What is angio-oedema ❓ 

Swelling of the deeper layers of the skin, commonly around the eyes and mouth 👁

Can affect the tongue and throat 👅

Causes include: allergic reactions, medication side effect, inherited (runs in the family), can be unknown (idiopathic) 


What are the symptoms of angio-oedema ❓ 

Areas of skin become increasingly swollen 

Often more painful than itchY

Difficulty breathing (if tongue and throat are affected) 👅


How do you diagnose angio-oedema ❓ 

Having classical symptoms 

Physical examination 


How do you treat angio-oedema ❓ 

Hospital admission (if breathing difficulties) 🏨

Adrenaline and antihistamine injections 💉

Identify/avoid triggers (if any) 

Non-sedating anti-histamine medicine 💊

Corticosteroid medicine 💊


Why should I worry about angio-oedema ❓ 

May affect quality of life if recurrent 

If difficulty breathing: can be life threatening 

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.