Score tracker feature on the i-medics website

What is it

Our ‘Score Tracker’ feature allows you to keep track of your progress in Online Questions: 

✔ Your score on each topic, given as a percentage 

✔ Your score on each day you have answered questions 

✔ Each topic is colour coordinated according to your score 

✔ Your weakness areas are identified 


How do I locate it

  1. Select the ‘My Account’ button on the top right of the home page  
  2. Login to your account 
  3. Select the ‘Online Questions’ button under your subscription  
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the topics 
  5. Select the ‘Score tracker’ button 


What do the colours mean

 Green: pass (>70%) 

 Light red: fail (<70%) 

 Dark red: fail (0%) 

 Blue - not attempted 


What is the ‘Weakness Areas’ section

 The score tracker feature identifies your weakest areas 

 You can click the links to access practise questions 

 This enables you to focus on the areas you struggle with 


What now

 Go and try out the score tracker feature 

 See which areas have been identified as your weakness areas 

 Practise the questions in these sections 

 Watch as more and more sections turn green 


  1. Located below the list of topics when you select 'Online Questions'
  2. View your score on each topic area, organised in a clear table
  3. Each topic is colour-coordinated according to your score
  4. The weakness areas section allows you to easily identify and practise the topics you have scored lowest on

About the author

The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.