
What is candida 

 A type of yeast/ fungus that causes infection when it multiples 

 Common sites: vagina, mouth and skin 

 Increased risk in: diabetes, overweight/obese, and poor immune system  

What are the symptoms of candida (skin) 

 Sore and itchy rash with/without blisters 

 Scales: white-yellow curd-like substance over the area 

 Thickened, white, soft skin (if fingers or toes) 👉

How do you diagnose candida (skin) 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the affected area 

How do you treat candida (skin) 

 Antifungal creams 

 Steroid cream (if problematic inflammation/ itch) 

 Avoid tight clothing/ non-breathable fabrics when possible 👕

 Wash skin with moisturising cream/ ointment 

Why should I worry about candida (skin) 

 Added bacterial skin infection 

 Infection spread to the blood (candidaemia 

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