
What is cellulitis 

 Infection of the skin and tissues just below the skin surface 

 Legs are the commonest site, but other areas can also be affected 

What are the symptoms of cellulitis 

 Red, painful swollen skin that gets worse ⬆ 

 Generally feel unwell, shivery and weak 

 Fever 🌡

How do you diagnose cellulitis 

 Having classical symptoms 

 Examination of the affected area 

How do you treat cellulitis 

 Antibiotics (if severe, through a vein) 💊

 Raising/ elevating the affected body part (if possible) 

Why should I worry about cellulitis 

 Infection spread to the blood, which can be fatal 

 Necrotising fasciitis: deeper and faster infection causing gangrene 

 Gangrene: tissue dies instead of heals, which can spread (skin goes from red to dark purple/ black) 

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The i-medics Editorial Team consists of Doctors, Medical Students, Professional Content writers, i-medics Ambassadors and Freelance workers.