
What is cirrhosis 

 Normal liver tissue is damaged and replaced by scar tissue 

 Commonest causes (UK): heavy alcohol consumption, Hepatitis C infection 

 Progresses slowly  

What are the symptoms of cirrhosis 

 None in the early stages  

 Fluid builds up in the tummy and legs  

 Yellowing of skin or whites of the eyes (jaundice) 


How do you diagnose cirrhosis 

 Blood tests 

 A scan 

 Small sample (biopsy) 

How do you treat cirrhosis 

 Aim is to slow/ prevent scarring depending on the cause such as: 

 Steroid or immunosuppressant medicines 💊

 Stop drinking alcohol 🍷

 In severe cases, liver transplant 

Why should I worry about cirrhosis 

 Increased risk of liver cancer  

 Affects the brain and can lead to coma 

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