Coeliac Disease

What is coeliac disease 

 The immune system mistakenly attacks cells on the lining of the gut, causing inflammation 

 It is triggered by eating foods containing gluten 🍞

What are the symptoms of coeliac disease 

 Babies and children 👶 

Failure to grow, diarrhoea, swollen tummy 

 Adults 👵 

 Indigestion, stomach cramps, bloating, tiredness, and sometimes, an itchy skin rash 

How do you diagnose coeliac disease 

 Blood test 

 Gastroscopy (camera in the stomach) and sample (biopsy) 

How do you treat coeliac disease 

 Gluten-free diet 🍞

 Dietary supplements 💊

Why should I worry about coeliac disease 

 Osteoporosis (thinning of the bones) 


 Other autoimmune diseases can develop 

 Rarely, developing a type of cancer (called lymphoma) of the gut in later life 

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