Medication Overuse Headache

What is Medication Overuse Headache

 The regular use of medication can result in chronic headache 💊

 Overuse is considered to be at least 10-15 days a month 📆

 Also known as rebound headache

 Risk factors: having a pre-existing headache disorder, anxiety, depression, family history, being female 👪

What are the Symptoms of Medication Overuse Headache ❓

 Headache (for 15+ days a month) 💢

How do you Diagnose Medication Overuse Headache ❓

 Medical assessment of symptoms & history 📋

 Referral to specialist

How do you Treat Medication Overuse Headache ❓

 Stay hydrated 💧

 Withdraw the medication

 Keep a diary of symptoms 📗


Why should I Worry about Medication Overuse Headache ❓

 The withdrawal of the medication can be very difficult at first 🤕

 Some medications (e.g. opiates) are harder to withdraw

 Most of the time, stopping the medication is the only treatment 🚫

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